Falling plums.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I shared a bed with Anooke last night and as we huddled under her flanelette sheets there was the sound of something hitting the tin roof. She said 'don't be alarmed by the plums dropping on the roof'. I said ok. Then I lay there and realised there's no plum tree anywhere near the roof. It was a nice thought though.
Image via We Heart It

Let's hold hands.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

That is all.

Monday, October 18, 2010

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all" - Oscar Wilde.
I'm throwing caution to the wind and embarking on probably what will be the first of many life journeys. I'm excited, nervous, scared and about a thousand other emotions all at once. Life is marvelous and I plan on living it.
Image via ThemThangs.

And the boys

It's been days now

and you change your mind again

it feels like years,

and i can tell how time can bend your ideas

and the boys go on and on and on and on

and the boys go on and on and on and on

and there's gold falling from the ceiling of this world

falling from the heartbeat of this girl

well it's been days now

and you change your mind again

all the cracks in the walls reminds you of things we said

and i could tell you that i wont hurt you this time

but it's just safer to keep you in this heart of mine

"And the Boys" by Angus & Julia Stone, Photo by Morgan Maassen

Oh to be a child once more.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Image via ffffound

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